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Develop and Submit a Policy

University Policy

These are policies that have broad applicability and must be followed throughout the University. University-wide policies promote the university’s mission and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); enhance operational effectiveness; communicate official expectations relating to conduct, rights, and obligations; or mandate actions or constraints. University-wide policies must be consistent with relevant laws and regulations, as well as bylaws, ordinances, and policies established by the Board of Trustees.

  • Mandates actions or constraints, specifies behavior and articulates desired outcomes
  • Enhances the university’s mission, mitigate institutional risk, and/or promotes operational effectiveness and efficiency
  • Are broad and general and change infrequently
  • Applies to all MSU employees, students, vendors, and visitors

Policy Intent Form

University Policy Development Checklist

University Policy Template

University Policy Submission Form

University Policy Communication Plan

University Interim Policy Template


Unit Level Policy

These are policies that apply only to a specific unit within the university (e.g., college, department, office). Unit level policies are developed, updated, and administered by the issuing unit. Unit-level policies must be consistent with relevant laws and regulations, as well as bylaws, ordinances, and policies established by the Board of Trustees and university-wide policies.

  • Addresses the specific need for operations, administration, or programs of Colleges, Units, or departments of the university
  • Applies only to a specific college, unit, or department
  • Can have additional specifications, requirements, or restrictions as compared to but cannot contradict or be less restrictive than a university-wide policy
  • Is approved by department or unit leadership

Unit Level Policy Template