About the University Policies Website

The MSU Policy Management Program and University Policies website was implemented in January of 2023.

The University Policies website is the official location for all University-wide policies approved by the university’s Board of Trustees, the President, and Executive Officers.

This website provides convenient access to policies that apply to the entire MSU Community. You can search for University-wide policies by name, or key search terms. Use the navigation menu to learn about the University’s policy management process.

Additionally, you can find other University policies, Board of Trustees policies and by-laws, ordinances, Academic Programs Catalog, handbooks/manuals, and guidelines that govern the University’s many programs and services. It is the responsibility of all individuals affiliated with the university to identify and familiarize themselves with all applicable University-wide policies. Check with your unit or department for additional unit policies that may apply to you.

The University Policies website is maintained by the Office Audit, Risk and Compliance Policy Library Coordinator. For more information on the new University policy process, please contact the Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance (OARC) Policy Coordinator at msupolicylibrary@msu.edu.